KYOTO Zokyudo Gallery

Zokyudo Gallery - Kyoto

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―The Age of Yuichi Inoue―
Although being recognized by the calligraphic society, Yuichi hated to use his calligraphic skills as means of living, and kept on his challenges to improve his skills to a new state. Together with his comrades they launched the Bokujinkai ( The Association of Calligraphers ) and with their official organs they had the chances to improve their skills through friendly rivalries with those foreign artists of the same age, such as Isamu Noguchi, and Franz Kline.
In concert with those foreign art forms like Action Painting and informel, Yuichi and his avant-garde calligraphy began to appear on foreign exhibition such as São Paulo Art Biennial and Documenta, and were highly remarked along with Jackson Pollock and other foreign artists.
With such attempts like adding carbon black and bond to the ink, or even freezing the ink over the night and then dissolving it with water the next day,
Yuichi kept making all kinds of trails to achive his own matière. And now, 30 years after the death of Yuichi, taking the 100th anniversary of Yuichi's birthday as an opportunity, his works once again boarded the stage to amaze the world.
To a man like Yuichi who has survived from the hell of Great Tokyo Air Raid, real art has nothing to do with organizations or stereotypes.
In the present moment when arts of the 20th century are put to the test, as were created at the risk of his own life, Yuichi's calligraphic works are recognized as a global modeling with oriental elegance, and keep shinning dazzlingly till today.

Written by the owner of Zoukyudo Gallery

― 井上有一的时代―
他与有志成立了“墨人会”,通过会报与 野口勇,弗朗兹・克兰等同时代的艺术家切磋探讨艺术。
有一的“前卫书法”仿佛与欧美的行为派绘画和非定形艺术等相呼应,在圣保罗双年展和卡塞尔文献展等国际展会上也备受瞩目,与杰克逊・波洛克等 艺术家齐名。
其作品造型在他去世30年后,因他的100年诞辰为契机,再次登上 世界舞台,使世人惊叹。
在验证二十世纪美术的今天,他用生命创作的作品承载 着东洋的气韵,绽放着世界级艺术的光辉。

( 蔵丘洞画廊主敬白 )


April 2(Sat)-23(Sat)
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM No closing in this term
Zokyudo Gallery
604-8091 1fl, Nishi-iru, Kawaramachi, Oike-dori, Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto-shi,Kyoto