KYOTO Zokyudo Gallery

Zokyudo Gallery - Kyoto

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Fancy fine-arts grand-prix commemoration exhibition

The end of beginning ( Harumi Kodama )

Dream flower ( Yoshie Tachiki )

Spring visit ( Risa Iseda )

Human zipper ( Asuka Satow 530 × 530 mm )

Pictorial offering #2 ( Jun Yoshida 410 × 318 mm )

ー Artist name ー
Harumi Kodama / Yoshie Tachiki / Risa Iseda / Asuka Satow / Jun Yoshida

Fancy fine-arts grand-prix commemoration exhibition

September 13(Sun)-22(Mon)
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM No closing in this term
Zokyudo Gallery
604-8091 1fl, Nishi-iru, Kawaramachi, Oike-dori, Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto-shi,Kyoto